Under the Oaks | Two Hundred Years in Atherton | By Pameila Gullard and Nancy Lund

" The history of Atherton is full of interesting, creative and intelligent people, the very kind of people who make our Town what it is today. Pam Gullard and Nancy Lund have truly captured the impact of these people in this appealing history of our beginnings. The Atherton Heritage Association was pleased to aid in their research."
  – Marion Oster, President
Atherton Heritage Association
Hardcover book on the history of Atherton.

By Pamela Gullard and Nancy Lund

Now for the first time, a history of Atherton is available. This beautiful, 10.25 x 10.25 inch, full-color book, with hundreds of photographs, paintings and drawings, is a permanent record of the town's early and modern history, a book that captures and equals the unique beauty of Atherton itself.

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This book will be read and treasured by generations to come. Don't forget to order copies for your children and grandchildren, and as a gift for friends who have moved away, so that they will have a history of their hometown. Order today at the price of $75.00.
